Hi, I decided to rewrite this tutorial in English. Original version there : https://mindlocksite.wordpress.com/2017/01/26/analyse-intellilock/

Target to unpack : http://ge.tt/8VlcPWi2

Encryption : IL Code encryption, String Encrypt & Control Flow

First, as we can see, the il code is not visible. It’s because it has been encrypted. In fact, the code is decrypted in <Module>.Cctor


To Decrypt the code, we’ll use WinDbg

First, use sxe ld:clrjit then press g

Load SOS extension with .loadby SOS clr


Then use : !name2ee mscorlib.dll System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle.get_Target

to get the address of the Jitted code


Then press bu + Jitted code address

Press g.


Methods are now decrypted ! To check that, you can use !dso to see all objects ! Now we have to save the decrypted module. Use !dumpdomain

Scroll up untill you see your exe


When you see your module, use : !savemodule + module + location

example : !savemodule 00183fdc C:\Users\XXX\Desktop\WindowsFormsApplication1\Unpacked.exe

If you open your exe in SAE, you’ll see that methods are decrypted. But if you try to run the exe, you’ll get an error


To fix that, use UniversalFixer by codecracker

Then we have to decrypt string & control flow . Look at our main method (for this screen, i decided to remove first control flow)


Just follow the call to the decryption method :


publicKeyToken = typeof(S7EI44sMaZQ92MiG6X).Assembly.GetName().GetPublicKeyToken();

I’ll follow this call (S7EI44sMa…) and go to the .cctor of this class


If i’m not wrong, that’s all our string (that are now uint)

To remove that, juste use SAE (string + control flow) and you’re done !

If you have question : mail : mindlockreverser@gmail.com or skype : MindSystemm

Enjoy !